Sunday, July 5, 2009

8 Ways to Conserve Our Planet

Here are eight easy energy saving tips to reduce pollution, increase fuel efficiency, and save water.\

1. Green Electricity: One compact fluorescent light bulb could save you $30-$40 during its lifetime. It can also save 34 gallons of oil, 2.8 pounds of smog, and 850 pounds of carbon dioxide.

2. Recycle: Reuse or recycle glass jars, aluminum, and plastics. The more you recycle, the less goes into landfills.

3. Watch the Temperature: When you are home, keep your thermostat at 78 degrees during the warm months, and in the winter keep it at 68 degrees.

4. Drive Less: Check the traffic reports before you leave, no use sitting in traffic. If you cannot avoid driving, consider a fuel efficient car.

5. Use the Switch: turn off lights and the TV when you leave the room. Conserve energy by turning off used electronics or equipments in your office.

6. Check for Leaky Faucets: Check pipes and faucets for leaks and drips. Use low-flow shower heads, it could save you over 2 gallons per minute.

7. Load the Washer: Only do laundry or run the dish washer when it is full. Careful to use the proper amount of soap, using extra soap requires more water to rinse. During the summer, try drying clothing on a line.

8. Tune your Engine: When a car is not properly tuned, it emits more pollution, waste gas, and lowers engine performance.